How to divide peace lily – Step-by-Step Guide

how to divide peace lily

How to Divide Peace Lily

How to Divide Peace lily, with their graceful, white blooms and lush green leaves, are a popular choice for indoor and outdoor gardening. These elegant plants are not only visually appealing but also known for their air-purifying properties. Over time, divided peace lily can outgrow their pots and may need division to ensure their health and vitality. In this article, we will explore the process of dividing a peace lily to help it thrive and maintain its beauty.

What is a Peace Lily?

Peace lilies, scientifically known as Spathiphyllum, are tropical plants native to the rainforests of Central and South America. They are characterized by their glossy, dark green leaves and distinctive white flowers. divide peace lily are revered for their ability to filter out common indoor air pollutants, making them a cherished addition to homes and offices.

The Importance of Division

how to divide peace lily

As peace lilies grow, they tend to become root-bound, where their roots become tangled and overcrowded in the pot. This can hinder the plant’s growth and overall health. Division is essential to give the plant more room to grow and access to essential nutrients.

Ideal Time for Division

The best time to divide a peace lily is in the spring when the plant is actively growing. During this period, the peace lily is more resilient and adaptable to division-related changes.

Necessary Tools

Before you start, gather the following tools:

  • Pruning shears or sharp scissors
  • A clean, sharp knife
  • A new pot with fresh potting soil
  • Watering can or spray bottle

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Preparing the Peace Lily

Before you divide your peace lily, follow these steps:

  • Water the plant a day or two before division.
  • Gently remove the peace lily from its pot.

2. Dividing the Plant

  • Inspect the root system and identify natural divisions or separate the plant into sections, ensuring each has healthy roots and leaves.
  • Use pruning shears or a sharp knife to make clean cuts.

3. Potting the New Plants

  • Place each divided section in a new pot with fresh potting soil.
  • Ensure that the plant is at the same depth it was in the previous pot.
  • Water thoroughly after repotting.

4. Watering and Maintenance

  • Keep the soil consistently moist, but not waterlogged.
  • Avoid over-fertilizing; a diluted liquid fertilizer every six to eight weeks is sufficient.
  • Prune any yellow or dead leaves to encourage new growth.

Common Issues and Solutions

  • Yellow Leaves: Overwatering or poor drainage can lead to yellow leaves. Adjust your watering schedule and ensure proper drainage.
  • Brown Tips: Low humidity or excessive direct sunlight can cause brown tips on the leaves. Increase humidity or move the plant to a shadier spot.

Benefits of Division

how to divide peace lily

Divide peace lily not only promotes its health but also allows you to expand your plant collection. You can share the divided sections with friends and family or keep them in different areas of your home to enjoy their beauty and air-purifying qualities.


Dividing a peace lily is a simple process that can significantly benefit the plant’s health and your home’s aesthetics. With the right tools and care, you can ensure your peace lily continues to thrive, providing you with its graceful blooms and air-cleansing properties.


  1. Can I divide a peace lily at any time of the year? It’s best to divide a peace lily in the spring when it’s actively growing.
  2. How often should I water my newly divided peace lilies? Keep the soil consistently moist but avoid waterlogging. Water when the top inch of soil feels dry.
  3. Can I divide a peace lily that’s not root-bound? While the division is typically performed on root-bound plants, you can still divide a healthy peace lily if you wish to propagate it.
  4. Do peace lilies require a lot of sunlight? Peace lilies thrive in bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight, which can scorch their leaves.
  5. What are the benefits of having peace lilies indoors? divide peace lily enhance indoor aesthetics and purify the air by removing common pollutants.

Now that you have the knowledge to divide your peace lily successfully, enjoy watching your beautiful plant flourish and thrive in its new space.